Thursday, May 2, 2013

Review: Fractured (Slated, #2)

Fractured (Slated, #2)Author: Teri Terry
Series: Slated, #2
Release date: April 4th 2013
Publisher: Orchard Books
Paperback, 432 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

How do you know where to go when you don't remember where you came from?
Kyla's memory has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.
Or so she thought.
Kyla shouldn't be able to remember anything. But she can - and she's beginning to realise that there are a lot of dark secrets locked away in her memories. When a mysterious man from her past comes back into her life, she thinks she's on her way to finding the truth. But the more she learns about her history, the more confusing her future becomes...
Set in a disturbing future world, FRACTURED is an engrossing, fast-paced read that establishes Teri Terry as a master thriller writer.

Fractured doesn’t suffer from the dreaded middle book syndrome, not in the least. If anything, the stakes are higher, the plot more complicated and the characters better developed. It is a tense read, a thrill ride from start to finish. There were times when I was genuinely afraid for Kyla, even though the rational part of me insisted that nothing too terrible could happen to her.

Most of the anxiety I experienced was caused by Nico, an important person from Kyla’s past. Even when she didn’t know who or what she was, due to being slated, she knew he was no ordinary teacher. His presence brought forth some very strong emotions, but she didn’t quite know what to make of him. As her memories started returning in Fractured, her feelings toward him became even more complicated. For the most part, he was kind and supportive, and Kyla kept getting this urge to please him, to gain his approval. But even when he was smiling at her, there was a feeling of wrongness she couldn’t shake. As the story progressed and her past with Nico came to light, I as a reader understood that what Kyla was experiencing was some form of Stockholm syndrome, but her confusion and constant changes were done excellently. The nuances of their relationship, the creepy undertones, were impossible to ignore.

Thanks to Nico and his many forms of tough love, Kyla is actually three different persons in Fractured: Kyla, the slated girl; Rain, a Free UK fighter under Nico’s command; and Lucy, the little girl who was taken and broken by Nico, only to be rebuilt into a terrorist. Handling an MC with a multiple personality disorder of sorts on top of Stockholm syndrome would probably prove challenging for most authors, but Terry dealt with it beautifully. I was (although it seems a bit rude to admit it) more than a little surprised.

Ben was mostly absent in Fractured, but he was always present in Kyla’s mind and a great many of her actions were in some way motivated by her desire to protect him and reunite with him. He was, in his absence, perhaps more important to the story than he would have been had he actually been there. Through him, Terry showed that a feeling as strong as love can work against any kind of conditioning.

Some old secondary characters were given more important roles, and some exciting new ones were introduced. Tori, Ben’s supposedly re-slated old girlfriend played an essential part and caused some emotional conflicts, and then there was Katran, another Free UK fighter and Rain’s (Kyla’s) greatest rival for Nico’s affection and approval.

All in all, I thought Terry did an outstanding job with this sequel and I simply can’t wait for the final installment in the Slated trilogy.


  1. Oh goodness! I could do a break-dance right now. i was so scared that this sequel would suffer from "the dreaded middle book syndrome" like you said. I can't tell you how happy I'm right now. I can't wait to read this book as it sounds even better than I expected. Great review Maja :)

  2. Hooray for no second-book-syndrome! I have not read book 1, even though I have a copy so thanks for the reminder!

  3. I haven't read the first book in this series, but I'm thrilled that this second book is a good installment in this series. I'll probably pick up this series after the third book releases, if it's any good. Great review, Maja! :)

  4. Sounds like there's a serious amount of stuff going on in this book! Not sure it's one I'd start with (I'm horrible about picking up a series in the middle) but it's definitely an intriguing concept.

  5. I glad this one didn't suffer from the dreaded second book hang up a lot of second books in series do. I am glad this one was everything the first one was and more. I still haven't started the first one but I do have it (somewhere) on my Kindle. I didn't realize this was such a good series. I need to look into it more now.

  6. I only skimmed your review because I have Slated waiting to be started on my bookshelf but I am so happy to see the 4-star rating. This sounds like a series that I will really like and now I have some even higher hopes for it.

    Side note. That girl on the cover looks so much like Sarah Michelle Gellar, hey?!?!

  7. She's got three distinct personalities in this one? Did she have them in Slated too? I haven't read the first book, clearly, but now you've got me super curious about this young woman. Obviously this a very intense and complex series, and I live for those types of stories. I know if you loved it, it's definitely something I need to pick up! Gorgeous review my friend:)

  8. Well, I have heard a lot about this series and the idea is deeply intriguing. The idea of being slated. Wiped blank. Anyway, I have never read a book in which the character has a multiple personality syndrome or something, i think that it will be interesting
    GREAT review, Maja, as always
    Your reader,

  9. Wonderful review and so glad this didn't suffer MDS. It doesn't release here till Sept, so I am jelly and excited!

  10. I dread second books too but this series does really look promising. I am glad that the story went in the right direction and that the characters continued to progress and grow, I think in a way that is very important for development. Wonderful review.

  11. Oh I need to pick up the first book! Love it when the second book just rocks too. I'm hoping that 3rd book really wraps things up well. You have me very curious about Nico!! Must meet him. :D Oh and yes, I'm curious about the 3 personalities and how that works out. VERY curious!

  12. I'm now intrigued by the character development! Nico gives me creeps...

  13. Eep I am excited! I kept putting this one asie because it's a middle book and I have the worst luck with them. For one I forget a LOT from one book to another and often they are just that--middle book syndromism! >.< So I'm excited by how great this one was and it actually seems to have good development all around in the plot and characters. I don't know if I remember Nico much. Was he in book 1? Did I forget that much?  Lol

  14. This review has sold me on this series. I'd read a few reviews for the first book, but hearing that the second book is this good really makes me want to read it. I always worry when I start a series if the rest of the books will live up to my expectations. I love the idea of higher stakes and actually being worried about the main character, regardless of what the rational part of my mind might say. Great, great review!

  15. I don't think I've heard much about this series at all, but I have to admit that your review has me very intrigued! I'll have to remember to watch for the first one. Wonderful review!

  16. I'm thrilled to hear this avoided second book syndrome, because I'm about to start the series and would hate to be let down. Poor Kyla—multiple personality disorder AND stockholm syndrome? That is quite a lot to deal with, and it seems like it would be a hard feat for an author to pull off. I'm glad to hear Terry does it gracefully. Wonderful review Maja!

  17. Okay, I wanted to read the 1st book, but then just kind of forgot about it. But dang, now I know I need to read it. Especially knowing the 2nd book is worth it.

  18. I've been unsure about this one (mostly because I had mixed thoughts on the first book), but the positive reviews so far have been very encouraging. Plus, I have to admit, I'm really curious about Nico's character. Great review, Maja!


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