Monday, February 25, 2013

Review: Pros and Cons (Nikki Glass, #2.5)

Pros and Cons (Nikki Glass, #2.5)Author: Jenna Black
Series: Nikki Glass, #2.5
Release date: February 25th 2013
Publisher: Pocket Star
ebook, 65 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon

Nikki Glass is an immortal descendant of Artemis the Huntress, which makes her a Liberi and a natural enemy of the Olympians. She is the latest member of the Liberi and she’s still adjusting to her new life, but that doesn’t mean she’s entitled to a drama-free existence. After the great fight with Anubis’ descendant in the last book, things are tense between Nikki and her boss Anderson, so Nikki decides to do what she does best – hide.

In an attempt to avoid conflict, she leaves the house she shares with him and the other Liberi, at least for a little while, and goes back to being a private investigator, albeit one with a few extra senses. The case that she decides to accept is very mundane – a pregnant party girl wants to locate her one-night stand to inform him of their baby. After some digging, however, the case becomes far more complex, and Nikki’s strong sense of right and wrong complicates things even further.

It was nice to revisit familiar characters; not just Nikki, but Jack (descendant of Loki), Blake (descendant of Eros) and a few others as well. I like this world and I’m always excited about spending time in their company. However, Jamaal was entirely absent this time, and considering his newly established friendship with Nikki, as well as their growing attraction, I found this rather odd.

I wouldn’t recommend jumping into this novella if you haven’t read the previous two books. Jenna Black offered no backstory, no explanations and no recaps. It still helped jog my memory, which I desperately needed after all this time. It was nice to be reminded of how much I like Nikki Glass. A year is a very long time between books, especially for someone who reads as much as I do, and I must admit to forgetting the finer details of her character, as well as some of the worldbuilding. Even though Pros and Cons didn’t help much with the latter, it still helped me remember Nikki’s integrity and honesty.

The lesson Nikki was forced to learn in this little e-novella is this: never ask the descendant of Loki to help you solve a problem because he is likely to cause more problems than he can solve. And he's likely to land a few people in jail in the process. Nikki disliked Jack from her very first day as a Liberi, but I always liked reading about his antics. Who could be more fun to read about than the descendant of a trickster god? Oh, yeah, Jamaal, but no such luck.

I can’t wait to get my hands on Rogue Descendants in April. Despite her many qualities, Nikki has some serious challenges ahead of her and she’ll have to resist her natural tendency to run away from her problems. Hopefully things will move forward with Jamaal too, he is still such a mystery to me.


  1. First off, I love this cover. I've never heard of this series before Maja, but like the sound of it. I enjoy books with some mythology aspects. Brilliant review :)

  2. Revisiting characters is one of the reasons I enjoy some novellas. They're not great for the new-to-the-series reader, though, because they're missing so much (no room for backstory, after all). I *think* I've read a book from this series but I'll have to pick one up to be sure. Because, if not, I need to get on it!

  3. What's this? A book that features Greek mythology and I haven't heard of it? WHAT IS MY PROBLEM MAJA?! I love books like this that have a few of the Greek myths worked in, so I definitely need to pick up book one. I think I'll like Nikki quite a bit:)

  4. I've never heard of this series but it's definitely caught my attention now. I haven't read many books about Greek mythology so this should be interesting. Great review!

  5. I'm sure I've come across this author's name before, but I don't think I'm familiar with this series. I'm glad to hear that you like the world and characters in these books. Nikki Glass and I will have to meet one day. :) One of my least favourite things about reading is the wait between books. I am impatient and shockingly forgetful, which doesn't ever do me any favours. ;) It's great that this helped jog your memory a little!

    Lovely review, Maja.

  6. I liked Dark Descendant but with so many books coming out every month, I've kinda forgotten about this series. It seems to me that Nikki has undergone quite a nice character development - I may need to play some catching up with the series. Loved your review. Thank you, Maja!

  7. Nikki sounds like she still has a way to go, but at the same time, has come a long way.
    Glad you enjoyed this novella and the series in general so far.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  8. I haven't heard of this series before, but it does seem strange that the developing love interest was missing from this. Still, it sounds like such an interesting series, especially with the infusion of mythology, so I'm excited to see what you think of the next book. I'll most likely be adding this series to my shelves soon as well! Amazing review, Maja!(:

  9. How have I not heard of this series yet? I love UF's with a touch of mythology. Glad the heroine learned what should be rule #1 in anything involving Norse gods—never trust Loki or his ilk! :-)

    A year is like a lifetime in book memory, so I am actually really happy about the recent influx of series novellas because they provide a much needed series refresher, though they don't always progress the plot/relationships much. I'll definitely have to check out Dark Descendant, Nikki sounds awesome. Great review!

  10. Maybe being a novella? I do want to get to this authors books. They sound good. Glad you are looking forward to the next book.

  11. I haven't heard of this series before and honestly I'm a little bit confused cause I have no idea what's all about. I looks like UF for me and I'm not such a big fan of these. Great review but I think I'll skip this one :)


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