Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clarity (Clarity, #1)

Clarity (Clarity, #1)Clarity by Kim Harrington

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Eastport, a tourist town on Cape Cod, lives a family of freaks. My family. I’m a psychic. My brother’s a medium. My mother’s a telepath. Tourists love us. Townies scorn us. My name is Clarity “Clare” Fern and my brother is Periwinkle “Perry” Fern. What were our parents thinking?

Clarity ‘Clare’ Fern is a psychic. Her father is long gone and the family earns a living by using their respective talents to entertain tourists. Even though their customers think it’s just harmless fun, the locals know that their talents are real. When a young girl ends up dead in a hotel room right in the middle of a political campaign, Clare is asked to secretly work with the mayor’s son – her cheating ex boyfriend, and Gabriel, the new boy in town. It is the mayor’s hope that she will be able to use psychometry to identify the killer as quickly as possible, which would help him save face and eventually win the election.

Clarity was a big surprise for me. I always approach paranormal YA with a certain amount of weariness, but I needn’t have worried this time. I finished it all in one sitting, in less than three hours, and found it very refreshing.
I could have done without the love triangle, but I didn’t mind as much as I thought I would. Torn between an almost perfect ex-boyfriend who cheated on her once while heavily drunk, and the mysterious new boy in town who harbors conflicted feelings towards her, Clare didn’t know which way to turn, and neither did I. That’s probably why I didn’t hate the whole situation as much as I normally would – I have no idea who Clare will end up with and I kind of like it that way, for now. I do have a favorite, though.
That said, I’m a bit tired of the new-bad-boy-in-town trope. Gabriel fits it perfectly. He likes Clare the second he sees her, but there’s something in his past (no spoilers, I promise) that makes him hate, or rather despise all psychics, Clare included, so he tries to keep his distance, and the whole love-hate thing that happens after that is just a little tiresome, in my opinion. However, the shortness of the book and the pretty fast pacing didn’t leave much time for Gabriel’s internal struggles.

Clare found her place high up on my list of favorite heroines. She felt like an actual person to me and I enjoyed her intelligence and her loyalty. In fact, I thought all the characters were fully fleshed out, except maybe Clare’s mother, but I have a feeling something’s coming there too. You can only expect so much in 250 pages, and I was really satisfied with how much Harrington was able to include. I have high hopes for all these characters in the sequel. After reading the blurb for book two, I’m absolutely convinced that I already know the identity of Clare’s stalker. I can’t wait to find out if I’m right.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher, Scholastic UK, for review purposes.


  1. Great review - that made me want to read it. And hey, nice looking blog.

  2. Paranormal... snore. Paranormal with a murder mystery and politics? Yes yes! I'm also a sucker for the New England setting (I blame the movie Practical Magic).

    This looks like a good one -- with likable characters. Nice review, Maja!


  3. I really like Clare's brother somehow, and I enjoyed the plots in this book. Clare might be not my favorite heroine, but I do adore her loyalty and determinant. I agree, the whole new-boy-comes-to-town-with-troubled-past is getting kind of old. Why do they always have a love-hate relationship? I think that's the most successful formula though LOL. :P

    Excellent review like always, Maja! So glad that you found this a refreshing read! :)

  4. Honestly I never really paid much attention to this book when it had the other cover, the girl on their looked really creepy! But this is so much better! Love triangles are everywhere these days! But I'm glad this one didn't annoy you! Fab review! :)

  5. Is that the UK cover? I think I prefer it to the old UK cover! The red and gold one, I mean. :P

    Anyway, awesome review! It's great to hear you enjoyed this. I hope I do too! Though I think it might be safer for me to go in with low expectations as the love triangle you mentioned there is bothering me already. ;) I do like the sound of the plot and characters otherwise.

  6. I didn't mind this book. Nothing wow but it was still quite enjoyable. Great review.

  7. Seriously, how many times in love do people encounter psychics enough to hate them? Okay, Gabriel. Calm down. LOL

    Yeah, I'm a little tired of the bad boy troupe too, but then again, this one seems to have a bit of the 'I'm not good enough for you' troupe, which is even more annoying.

    Still, Clare seems like the kind of character I'd connect with, too.

  8. I have had this in my pile for who knows how long and now it is moving up due to the fact it is quick and fun. Although I am never excited to hear about a love triangle. I do like psychics and I am wondering why a pscychic can't see her stalker.

  9. "Clarity and Perriwinkle" = still cracking me up. I grew up the child of two huge hippies so I had a ton of friends with fun names like Fern, Rainbow, Moon, Ocean, Windsong...seriously!! So, does she get visions or read minds or predict the future? All of the above? I do actually love psychic paranormal mysteries, but I'm not sure about the love triangle. Thanks for giving me more information about this one! I've read other reviews, but none has told me as much about this book as yours did.

  10. Ohhhh, Maja, if you enjoyed this book, just wait until you get to the next one -- I loved it so much more!! <3 I actually love short books for the same reason you adored this one: they're so easy to get through and finish in one sitting, and they're almost ALWAYS entertaining, which is just the kind of in-between break you need sometimes! :) And I actually mind the love triangle in this one either, although I have to admit that I'm Team Gabriel all the way! He gets over his love/hate thing COMPLETELY in the next book! ;D

    Amazing review, Maja! Hehe, I'm giggling at the thought of you knowing the stalker already x) I can't wait to read what you think of it! <3

  11. You know, it was fun to see how quirky you could be while still saying that it was a good book! I really love that about your reviews, Maja. I agree with the above comment, how often do you encounter psychics anyway, but this sound like a good read - and because it's short and that's the kind of thing I have time for lately, I might end up adding it to my pile!


  12. Like you, I could have done without the love triangle and the new-bad-boy in-town thing, but Clarity WAS such a fun main character! I'm definitely going to have to check out book two.

  13. Awesome review! :D I've heard very good things about this one, even from those who are typically wary of paranormals. I love mysteries, and I love strong heroines, so I suspect I'd be a fan of this one. I am not a fan of love triangles, but as you mentioned, I think it's easier to put up with them when both are likable and have good chemistry--it makes the whole situation that much more believable.

  14. I've been dying to read this book! I heard great things about it and I am very intrigued by the summary. I have never seen that cover before but it looks as awesome as the US one!

    Awesome review, Maja! ♥ So glad you enjoyed it!

  15. This sounds pretty great, Maja! I definitely want to read this because Clarity sounds like a fantastic lead girl and I like that it wasn't a typical love triangle. Thanks for making me aware of this book!

  16. I had passed over this book a few times at the library but now you've got me intrigued Maja! Nice review! --Noelle

  17. Oooo, you had me at "psychic" and "pyschometry." LOVES. This is one of my favorite subjects to read about. Plus, give me an ex-boyfriend and a new mysterious boy in town, and my heart is all-a-flutter! Adding this one to the TBR now. Thanks for another wonderful review! :D

  18. Oh, I'm so glad to see you reviewing this first in the series! I've been seeing Perception everywhere, of course, but since I wasn't really into the blogosphere when Clarity came out, I kind of missed thoughts on it. I too am wary of YA paranormal in general these days, particularly those involving the new boy in town and love triangles, but this one still sounds like it's definitely worth checking out!

  19. Hm. This sounds a lot like The Body Finder series, and I wasn't the biggest fan of that. (substituting body locating for being psychic, obviously) I've had this for quite a while but I was never very excited about it because of some of the Goodreads reviews. Why do you have to be such a jerk and make it sound more interesting? Jerky McJerkerton.

  20. Good to know you enjoyed reading this one, Maja! I have a review copy of this from Scholastic Philippines but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I'll try to bump it up the TBR pile though.


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